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HomeObserver Corps

LWV Observer Corps Strengthens Good Government


League Observers make a positive difference for our communities

Protecting our right to know is integral to the health of our democracy. Decisions that determine how our schools will be run, at what level community safety programs will be funded, and how land in our towns will be used impact our lives and are vital to our well-being. These kinds of decisions need to be made with public input and oversight.

One important way to ensure that is to observe government meetings.

The League has been a champion of government transparency since our founding in 1920. It is one of our core principles and a vital part of our mission.

Our efforts in this area reinforce our reputation of fairness, nonpartisanship and trust. League members attend governmental meetings to learn what their government is doing and to monitor whether those meetings are conducted in an open and transparent way. Experience has shown the importance of the League being present to watch—and to take action when necessary.

LWV Canton Area

P.O. Box 35021
Canton OH 44735