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Who We Are

Our Commitments


Democracy thrives when citizens understand important governmental issues, know what the candidates stand for, trust that elections are fair, and vote in every election.

The League of Women Voters is made up of people who are committed to making democracy work. We are focused on improving our government at all levels – from local school boards to Washington, D.C. We believe all Americans should be involved in the decisions that impact their lives.

The League of Women Voters never endorses nor opposes political parties or candidates; we advocate for systemic political change supporting representative elections and governance processes.

The LWV of the Canton Area coordinates with the Ohio and U.S. LWV to take positions on legislation that affect voter rights and our democratic institutions. LWV takes positions only when we have researched legislation and issues to understand all sides.

Occasionally, we issue Calls to Action to inform members what actions they can take to protect their rights as American citizens. Whether or not you are a League member, you can help safeguard democracy.

The LWV of the Canton Area, like all Leagues, strives to provide a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for all who support our mission and value a just and people-driven government.

We have 70+ members: people of all ages, backgrounds, races, and ethnicities. We welcome people with different lived experiences who help broaden our understanding of the world.

League Leaders

Our History


The League of Women Voters of the Canton Area was founded on June 24, 1920, in the earliest days of women’s suffrage and only four months after the National League of Women Voters opened its doors. The 19th Amendment was ratified that same year and women across America gained the right to vote after decades of struggle to obtain equality at the ballot box.

For more than 100 years, the LWV of the Canton Area has educated and engaged our community’s citizens to participate in our democracy as established in our nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our democracy works only when all who are eligible to vote become informed about legislation and issues at all levels of government and participate in our electoral process.

LWV Canton Area

8923 Canal Place NW

Massillon, OH 44647