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What We Do

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization that protects and expands voting rights and ensures everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through education, advocacy, and litigation. League members have the opportunity to participate in grassroots initiatives that impact the life of our democracy. Our members are passionate activists who work year-round to register new voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with electoral information they need. Nationwide, we are a network of more than 750 local Leagues in all 50 states. In the Canton area, our 70+ members actively support voter education, fair districts, public schools, justice programs and other issues as needed. Members of the Canton League are encouraged to get as involved as they wish, enjoying the fellowship of like-minded people. Currently, we have several groups engaged in specific ways:

Advocacy: We are very concerned about legislation pending in the Ohio legislature that jeopardizes public education, fair districts for state and federal representation, justice regarding bail reform, growing misinformation and disinformation in social media, changes in voting laws and more. We advocate by communicating with our elected representatives and educating the public through special events like forums, letters to the editor, etc.

Voter Services: We publish a comprehensive Voters’ Guide for our service area that provides factual, nonpartisan information about candidates and issues at the federal, state and local levels. We also provide information that is published on the national website that is produced by Leagues nationwide.

Observer Corps: We stay informed about local issues by attending school board meetings, local government public events, hearings and other public gatherings. When appropriate, we educate the public and advocate for solutions.

Naturalization Ceremonies: We partner with local judges who hold naturalization ceremonies to celebrate new American citizens with festive refreshments after the event. It is always a joy to meet our new citizens and share their excitement in their momentous achievements.

Public Policies

If you are passionate about defending democracy and increasing public participation in important issues, you may feel at home as a League member. On the local, state and national level, we are diligent in researching many issues, gaining consensus at all levels of the organization and aligning with our shared positions to have a healthy impact on legislation, regulation and actions. You can view the range of Policies -- local, state and national --  supported by the League.

League members respectfully discuss important topics to learn and educate others about the relevant facts and context of important issues related to government at all levels. Frequently, we hold educational, non-partisan events about public policies and promote important initiatives like ensuring fair voting districts.

LWV Canton Area

P.O. Box 35021
Canton OH 44735