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Empowering Voters
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation.

While our primary focus is on democracy, we in the LWV-Canton Area are passionate about several hot-button issues that align with position statements on the state and national League levels. 

Several times a year, we hold nonpartisan public education events with experts on the topics and enable attendees to ask questions. Typically, we record these sessions, although we readily admit our audio-visual production skills are limited. However, the information conveyed is worth any minor technical irritations. We welcome any assistance in this area.
Improve your social media literacy skills:
  • Identify disinformation
  • Understand how people can believe lies
  • Differentiate between truth and fiction
 View some useful video highlights of the program here:
Education Flyer
What Are Children Learning in History Class?
Some legislators want to control curriculum in many classes/grades

Video replay available here

How Can We Protect Public School Funding?
School Vouchers threaten Public School Finances

Video replay available here
Fair Districts

In January 2022, the Ohio Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional partisan gerrymanders the Ohio General Assembly maps approved by five members of the Redistricting Commission. Specifically, the Court found that the maps violated Article XI Section 6 and called the Ohio Redistricting Commission back into existence to finish the people’s business. 

Fair Districts Ohio called on the Commission to: 

  • Swiftly announce and hold meaningful public hearings to hear from experts as well as Ohio voters;
  • Draw maps through a transparent and bipartisan process that complies with the letter and spirit of the Ohio Sunshine Act;
  • Keep communities together and prioritize the needs of voters over short-sighted, partisan political concerns; and
  • Create districts that comply with the Ohio Constitution, including but not limited to Article XI Section 6 of as interpreted by the Ohio Supreme Court.

Specifically, these districts must be fair and proportional to how Ohioans vote, adhering to the 54 percent Republican, 46 percent Democratic proportional breakdown specified by the Court. 

The Ohio Redistricting Commission and Ohio Legislature delayed making the changes that would have made Ohio's legislative (state and national) fair.  As a result, elections were held using unconstitutional maps. To date, no new maps have been approved by the Ohio Supreme Court.

Stay tuned for more news and opportunities for advocacy.

LWV Canton Area

P.O. Box 35021
Canton OH 44735